name: Koneko Suzuhara
mold/company: Volks MiniSD "Hisui"
size: 45CM
age: Appears 12
sex: Female
usual wig color: Pink
usual eyes: Green
relationship status and preference: Single.
favorite color: Green
likes: Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Family, Friends, Playing, Posing for the camera.
dislikes: Mean people, lieing, and 'boy' cartoons.
any other info: Koneko is the adopted sibling to Usagi "Nyoko". Her arrival date to me was JUST after Christmas (27th), 2005. Koneko was purchased from Volks USA. Koneko's face up was done by me, one of many I have tried on her (new one not pictured). Picture used with permission, new one coming soon upon completion. Koneko was given to my daughter on 5-24-2011, as I know she will love her much more than I have.
Belongs To: Sailor Moon/KittiePink's Daughter